"Art comes in many forms with many different creators, but that girls parents did some seriously brutal intercourse to do what can only be described as a walking wart" DT
Summarised perfectly but a little savagely.
We have come up with a perfect way to subtly announce our like or dislike for any particular girl, no matter how near or far she might be. It is a man code, formatted by 3 separate number that give her/him and overall rating.
- The first number is binary 0/1 which defines whether you would actually fornicate with the piece.
- The next number is to be scored between 1 and 10 and is in relation to the face.
- And the final score is between 1 and 10 and is for the body
Example scores are as follows
1-6-8 = Would sex this girl, but mainly for the body, face is average.
1-2-7 = sex on the cards but definitely no kissing.
0-5-1 = Pretty yet carrying one too many tyres round her waist.
From left to right: 1-6-7, 1-7-8. Courtesy of rapist fathers around the world.
From left to right: 1-6-7, 1-7-8. Courtesy of rapist fathers around the world.
If you and your friends have this knowledge, rating girls will never be easier. With little or no need to be subtle, this is the nicest way to mean about that cringe-ass girl that keeps looking over, and the only reason you return a grimacing look is due to the shine of her 6 year old braces she has had from the age of 16.
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