Monday, 29 November 2010


This is a Kazoo

Queef. n. Can~
A larly Kazoo, A hat dropped foreward,
A flap raspberry.
See also Kweef

Kweef. n.~
A pump from the front bottom.
Windy Curtains.

It was early Sunday morning and I woke up alone, she needed a darker room and we were sharing a single bed so I didn't mind the little extra room. I went in to the other room where my mate had decided to nest herself, I was going to surprise her with some love, and that doesn't mean rape, not on this occasion. 
For Christmas I had made the mistake of buying her massage oils... NEVER AGAIN. It means she can demand a massage at any moment in time, but on at this particular moment I was all game, we did it properly with a flannel sized covering over her zone whilst she lay naked face down.
My technique is as follows, starting at the feet and then working all the way up and back down, the tiny covering enable me to tickle her fancy.
At some point during this procedure an unplanned move took place which led to her sitting on my face whilst i was eating her McMuffin for breakfast. It was enjoyable, however there were moments where I was losing the ability to breath due to the vagina that I was wearing as a mask. I had to be in control, we flipped, not so i was sitting on her face; just so I could attack her from above like an golden eagle hunting for fish.
As I opened her legs ready for the dive, call it what you will, there was a blow back and I was caught in the wind.
To summarise:
It sounded like a man stomping in a waterlogged field, instantly breaking the moment in to a million pieces. 

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Damn Amsterdam

The first day of mine and Dan's long awaited ‘Euro Trip’. We land in Amsterdam. The air is fresh, crisp and nobody speaks English. This makes finding the train into the centre quite a mission; finally after being tricked by a Dutch whore we get the correct train.

We hadn’t eaten much that day but our spirits were high as we bustle our way off the train and immediately detect a scent in the air. Marijuana.

We know this is a sign. We begin power walking towards the nearest ‘coffee shop’ we are too excited and are now jogging down the street looking down every side alley until we find it ‘420 café’.
Even if you see Madeline McCann inside. Never go in here.
As soon as we pull back those doors we are hit in the face by a wave of drugs. We eagerly make our way inside and Dan makes our order. We sit ourselves up on the table next to the window to enjoy the view. Soon we begin enjoying the marijuana, only 4 minutes or so have passed when this happens.

“I FEEL LIKE I AM HAVING A HEART ATTACK!!” Dan begins freaking out.

“This has never happened before, I cant breathe, something is wrong, I feel sick, yes, yes I am going to throw up, im going to the toilet!”

I sit there completely still, my eyes slightly squinted just looking at him in silence. During Dan's whole speech I just watch him and offer no assistance. The look of fear in his eyes means nothing to me. Looking back this probably wasn’t the most useful thing I could have done but I was high. As he left I began appreciating all the work that must have gone into that pebbled street, there were so many pebbles!

Then it begins. No warning. BAM. My heart starts racing faster than Anne Frank when she drops her pen. I can only feel my heartbeat inside my head and deep in my neck. This is not a good sign. Dan returns.

Me: “Im freaking out too, this is horrible! I think I’m going to go into a coma. We are going to die on our first day. I hate pebbles!!” after sharing this, we leave the café but can only make to literally 1 metre from the entrance.

Now what we did not realise was that due to not eating any food and now smoking our blood sugar levels were very very low and our blood pressure massively increased. Luckily we are standing opposite a waffle house. By this point Dan can barely move. We shuffle inside and order two waffles with everything. We soon finish these and go to the next shop down, they sell pizza. We destroy one pizza each, this whole process has been performed in silence. Still unsatisfied but now beginning to be able to talk to each other we make our way to burger king. Here we devour the biggest meal they have and feel we can now carry on.

By this time it is dark outside and we were meant to be couchsurfing that night. Couchsurfing involves messaging a random person on this website then organising to stay with them for free, unsurprisingly, the risk of rape is high. I pull out the crumpled piece of paper with directions and we make our way onto a tram. Our tram soon crashes into a car. Can this day get worse?! Yes it can.

We find the block of flats we want. Standing in the freezing cold, all hostels booked we have no option but to ring the bell.


Dan and I:“Hi, we are here to stay with you”

Martin:“Come on up…zee door iz open”

Nervously we make our way upstairs, to the top floor, which I would just like to note, is often the floor of rape in movies. The door is ajar and there are no lights on inside. We push the door forward and walk in. Martin is there. He is lying on his bed with a guitar. The lights are off and only candles illuminate the room. I would just like to reiterate, this actually happened.

We know we should probably leave straight away and protect our young tight anuses from being abused in the night. However, we are still high. Our judgment is impaired and we begin talking.

Dan and I: “Hi martin, thank you so much for letting us stay here.”

Martin: “I have mapz. You want to see my mapz?”

Me: “Sure…”

We are then subjected to a tour of Amsterdam by Martins finger and his massive map. This actually turned out to be quite useful although interestingly, he did not point out the police station. Tired from the day of hell, we decide its best just to get a huge sleep in and be ready to fully explore tomorrow. We quickly end the conversation, wash in his piss stained bathroom and sleep in his lounge, our butt cheeks clenched the whole time.

I wake up the next day covered, I mean covered in sweat. I am thankful my ass appears to be intact. I strip naked and adopt the crucifix position feeling very exposed and hoping Martin and his map-pointing finger do not re-enter the room. After drinking as much water as possible I wake Dan and we soon continue the rest of what was a ridiculous month...
If you smell this picture hard enough, you can actually smell  rape.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Losing my Vodka virginity.

This isn't me. But if it was, then it would be.

Me:Hey alcohol.

Vodka:Hey there.

Me:Can I taste you?

Vodka:Yeh sure go crazy you underage bitch.

This small play I wrote summarises my first true encounter with vodka. A drink that is sometimes your friend, sometimes your enemy but always contains the risk you could have sex with a fat girl.

Gian and I arrive at a party at a rented out rugby club. We are only young but we immediately see the sign. £1 vodka shots, £1.50 for a double. We are sold, we rush to the bar and do a shot each, in such a naïve fashion we don’t understand digestion takes time… 10-12 shots later, after numerous doubles, and this is what happens:

9:30pm: We finish the shots.

9:31pm: I lose Gian.

9:35pm: I pass out on a chair.

10:27pm: I awake to force my friend to get me water.

10:27pm: He takes too long.

10:28pm: I leave stumbling down a corridor in true special olympics style. Half way down the corridor I realise I have to concentrate on my breathng. This is a bad sign.

10:29pm: Such a bad sign I need to lie down on this car bonnet and think about it.

10:30pm: I find gian!

10:30pm: Gian is on the other side of the car park throwing verbal and physical abuse at Henry our large friend.

10:32pm: Gian throws up.

I do not quite remember what happens next but I am now in a car going back to a friend’s house. I survive my first battle with vodka but I have learnt a great deal of its battle tactics and next time I will be better prepared. I will bring my armour, a mixer.

Tequila Challenge

Every now and then man thinks of a new idea, an invention, an event that will change the future and affect the world. I have been that man. I know how it feels to wake up in the morning and think, “hey, I made this earth a better place. And I haven’t wet the bed..bonus!”

It started as a dream, a mere musing between my friend and I. It was a Thursday I believe and we had been out every night that week thus far. We went to our local shop to buy pre drinks. As we had already digested too much ‘White Lightning’ this term we turned to the array of spirits on display. Oh my how they glint with such appeal. As we scan we consider Mr. Daniels, he is a friendly guy and I like his adverts. We consider Samuel Buca, he is more of a vigilante, living on the border of good and evil.
You just cant resist
something like that

Then it happens. Like the alignment of the planets. We both look at that bottle of tequila, a gust of wind flows through the shop and raises our hair as though we were a painting in the Vatican. We both know what we are thinking. Lets buy that bottle, lets buy it and drink it together right now, right here, right now and go out.

We arrive back in child like excitement. Opening the bottle, preparing salt, lemon, and 2 shot glasses.

-------------------------------------TEQUILA CHALLENGE IS BORN—-----------------------------

The future.
Okay, I admit we forgot the lemons the first time we went to the shop and bought Fanta as our lemon instead. We finish the bottle in 45 minutes, a mere mockery of what was to come.
The next night we do the same, bottle of tequila, shots, we even use Fanta again as it compliments the tequila so well, 20 minutes. We know we have begun something special here. A fight between nature and man. A fight where pride and courage watch from above, nodding in approval.

The next day we buy the bottle, a crowd has gathered to now watch what we have done alone for the past two nights. We tell the crowd we can do it in 10 minutes. They seem disgusted and frown in fear, this is perfect, this is the fuel to our liver engines. The crowd gets behind us as we take our first shot. We support each other, shouting encouragement centimetres from each other’s faces. People have come here to see something special and that’s what we will give them.

It begins..there are whispers in the wind of 5 minutes. Can it be done? Rumours spread around the room, a silent challenge has been bestowed upon us, we know it, they know it, we know what we must do. We up the shots to one every 20 seconds. We finish the bottle in 4 minutes 45 seconds.

It is safe to say we were out of hand that night, we break several lights in the hallways, We break an ironing board as we try and ride it up and down the hallway. We then throw it out a 3rd floor window. While taking a piss, I fall, Guy then proceeds to piss on my legs, my jeans, my back. I do not change my clothes before we go out. I like his scent and I am certain girls will like it too. The trail of destruction continues long into the morning…

Remember this is 100% true and actually happened. Make tequila challenge famous and try it for yourself!

Full Proof Female (or male) Rating System...

When men are gathered together there is often only one topic of conversation, and its both cultural and relevant to modern society. This topic is summed up by this philosopher-
"Art comes in many forms with many different creators, but that girls parents did some seriously brutal intercourse to do what can only be described as a walking wart" DT

Summarised perfectly but a little savagely. 
We have come up with a perfect way to subtly announce our like or dislike for any particular girl, no matter how near or far she might be. It is a man code, formatted by 3 separate number that give her/him and overall rating. 

  1. The first number is binary 0/1 which defines whether you would actually fornicate with the piece. 
  2. The next number is to be scored between 1 and 10 and is in relation to the face.
  3. And the final score is between 1 and 10 and is for the body
Example scores are as follows

1-6-8 = Would sex this girl, but mainly for the body, face is average.
1-2-7 = sex on the cards but definitely no kissing.
0-5-1 = Pretty yet carrying one too many tyres round her waist.
From left to right: 1-6-7, 1-7-8. Courtesy of rapist fathers around the world.

If you and your friends have this knowledge, rating girls will never be easier. With little or no need to be subtle, this is the nicest way to mean about that cringe-ass girl that keeps looking over, and the only reason you return a grimacing look is due to the shine of her 6 year old braces she has had from the age of 16.

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Friday, 19 November 2010

A Pint

Pint~ a British Imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 gils.

Although not sure what the actual size of 4 gils is, (as I'm not an avid fisherman) I am however almost positive it adds up to about a pint. When a gentlemen decide that it is the time of the week that they must gather together and consume a pint; one would think that a pint will be all that is consume. Women aren't always right.

On this particular Thursday night, a great sum of fishy breathing apparatus was consumed and it would end quite courageously in bed with two other men.

The night began with a drinking game that involves celebrity names in which you must link the first letter of the surname name be the first letter of the forename in the next name. If the same letter starts both name it reverses the flow, here is how it went.

Michael Mcintyre- Mandy Moore-Madeline McCann-s-i-l-e-n-c-e- Mohammed?

"No not Mohammed you bad muslim, you jihad muslim!"

After this brain teaser, courtesy of OK! magazine, the five us gentlemen were truly under the influence... in this mind set we preceded to ride our bikes 2.2 miles through the city at 1 in the morning. Searching for something to achieve in the youthful hours of the morning, but nothing. The town was quiet, the entertainment was self born... it was like the fun had been A-sexually excreted through the power of alcohol. We all recorded falls of up to six times, a punctured tyre, a bad back, ripped jeans and what might have been a male orgy if any of us actually remembered.

Whatever happened, happened. You cant stop an erection in a storm of mutual erections.

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Welcome to the most exciting blog ever written by your hosts (it's our first) and our best yet. I don't want to hold you back, just enjoy this full bodied feature that will make you smile for days to come. This is a Skype conversation that was had between two fine gentlemen, on a Wednesday I think, but cant be sure it's full of poetic language, we are romantics.

[13:03:58] Rhodri Thomas: im going to take a child, circumcise it and make you breath through its dick skin
[13:05:04] daniel_tabatabai: im going to shave a monkey and cellotape its fur to your face
[13:05:29] Rhodri Thomas: im going to turn a fish inside out and rub it on your chest
[13:06:06] daniel_tabatabai: im going to get an ecyclopedia and drop it on your cock
[13:06:45] daniel_tabatabai: i must shower now
[13:06:56] Rhodri Thomas: im going to burn the pubes of your father and make you smell it
[13:07:00] Rhodri Thomas: i must shit now
[13:07:17] daniel_tabatabai: we should really write a film
[13:07:38] Rhodri Thomas: lets do it
[13:07:47] daniel_tabatabai: ahhhhh fuck uni
[13:07:57] Rhodri Thomas: fuck it
[13:13:00] daniel_tabatabai: seriously.... im going to make you snort your own come, whilst i chew tin foil
[13:13:48] Rhodri Thomas: im going to slap you in the thigh while i pour honey into my anoose
[13:15:43] daniel_tabatabai: im gonna catch a small fish and slap your balls with it.
[13:15:57] daniel_tabatabai: wow thats not even funny
[13:16:07] Rhodri Thomas: thats just science
[13:17:12] daniel_tabatabai: im going to staple a tail on you and beat you like a penata
[13:17:52] Rhodri Thomas: im going to hog tie you and fist you with my dick
[13:18:34] daniel_tabatabai: im going to eat slightly undercooked scrambled egg out of your belly button
[13:19:59] Rhodri Thomas: im going to lick your back and then dry it with tiny balls of a pre-pubescent squirrel
[13:21:43] daniel_tabatabai: im going eat cereal out of your bumbum
[13:23:13] Rhodri Thomas: im going to spread your asshole apart with a reverse vice grip and then fish for nuggets of shit with my mouth