Thursday, 10 March 2011

Spotted Dick

During a standard night of gratuitous alcohol consumption my friend and I happened to meet a well rounded whore/cock junky. (well rounded meaning that she was ok looking and conversing with her was bearable) Other than her self confessed hunger for man sausage she was proud to be a girl fresh out of rehab, not for being a sex addict or unforgivably awesome (thats what we would go to rehabilitation for); but she enjoyed dabbling in crystal meth.


Obviously my friend and I were intrigued, and she was seductively easy. After vast amounts of provocative drinking with the gang; Jack, Sambvca, Taquilla and Smirnoff; my friend that shall remain nameless became tainted like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. He was about to FSU, I quickly convinced myself that any physical contact with this "woman" would be a terrible decision; I made way and allowed him to get on with it.

He dashed to the bathroom...
Some time passed...
He returned with a smile...

I heard nothing of his antics untill the next morning, the smile had turned to fear. I woke to up to a feminine scream with an undertone of testosterone. I had a flacid red cock presented within 3 inches of my face. We were at summer camp working so everyone was in their early 20's and we were friends with everyone (nurses included) The spots were randomly dispersed over the head of his helmet. He required moral support, I accompanied him to the nurses office, little did I know that I was also going to get my penis out infront of the nurse (she was my friend).

Delicious and Nutritious
But I did, alongside my friend.

We were both in the nurses office with our unflattering floppy cocks out. This was when I found out what happened in the bathroom. He spoke:
"When she went down on me, she grasped my penis really hard" (I was already wide eyed and biting my bottom lip to refrain from laughing) he continued "and took a substantial mouthful but didn't really work the shaft" What a choice of words, I had turned my head to control the laughter that was about to erupt.

The nurse was about to make her diagnosis, we were still revealing all, his red and pimpled whilst mine was smooth and beautiful.

Nursey announced that I was fine and that I could replace my penis to where it belonged. And then went on to tell my friend that "she must have had great suction, that is essentially a love bite on your penis, I've seen it it before" Not only did it stop him from having sex, it wasn't even original.